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560 Marshland Road,Ouruhia,Christchurch 8083.
woman's journey to motherhood is different, but one of the first decisions
every new mother makes is how to feed her child.
foundations for a healthy life are laid down in pregnancy, infancy, and
childhood. There is plenty of evidence that breastfeeding contributes
positively to infant and maternal health, as well as the social wellbeing of
the baby, mother, family, and community.
World Health Organisation (WHO) and New Zealand Ministry of Health recommend
that a baby be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to
achieve optimal growth, development, and health. Thereafter infants and young
children should receive nutritionally adequate and safe complementary foods
while breastfeeding continues for up to two years of life and beyond.
contains antibodies which nurture and protect the developing gut and help your
baby to fight infection. Breastfeeding supports the physiological,
psychological, and social needs of babies and young children.
breastfeeding education is available from several different providers. Check
with your LMC midwife to discover what is available in your area.
Your LMC midwife will be able to support you in your baby feeding decisions. You may find these apps useful; both are free to download.
Mama Aroha Breastfeeding Principles and Information App, in collaboration with NZBA and Hāpai Te Hauora, includes the key principles to breastfeeding. This toolkit is designed to be visual and informative making it an easy to follow tool while learning the art of breastfeeding. This version provides health professionals, mothers and whānau with the most essential information and principles to better understand breastfeeding. They say a picture paints a thousand words, so you will find the images do all the talking. Download free to you phone through App Store or Google Play
Nau mai Welcome to the BreastfedNZ App! This resource is grounded in both experience and evidence, with content thoughtfully curated by our team of qualified and compassionate breastfeeding specialists and lactation consultants. Our primary audience is the breastfeeding whānau families based in Aotearoa New Zealand. What sets this app apart is its content and guidance has been informed by the personal stories of the whānau families we serve. Thank you to all those whānau and friends whose generosity contributed the richness of this platform. We wish to also acknowledge the tangata whenua indigenous peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand.
The Gift of Liquid Gold
mother to mother informal milk sharing Facebook page
catherine.rietveld.lc@gmail.com 0272286747