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560 Marshland Road,Ouruhia,Christchurch 8083.
Janet Balaskas, founder of the Active Birth
Follow this link to view the progress of
labour as the cervix dilates and the baby moves through the pelvis on the way
to being born.
New Zealand based agency set up to provide
education and support for families on optimal child development and attachment.
Your LMC midwife, hospital midwife or
lactation consultant will be able to refer you to the Rotary Community
Breastmilk Bank if you find yourself in a situation of needing to access
pasteurised donor breastmilk.
New Zealand’s home birth website. For more
information about home birth, and to find your local association.
La Leche League New Zealand, the experts in
breastfeeding – by mothers for mothers.
Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Aotearoa (PADA) have a mission to promote the wellbeing
of whānau by supporting
perinatal mental health, fostering resilience, and nurturing strong foundations
for life.
NZ Action on Pre-Eclampsia has a very useful website with accurate up to date information about
It is essential that every pregnant woman understands a little about Pre-Eclampsia
Information about the New Zealand College
of Midwives and maternity care in Aotearoa / New Zealand.
For information about food safety during
pregnancy and breastfeeding specific to New Zealand.
Parent to Parent is a support and
information network for parents of children with special needs.
Contact details of your local Parents
Centre, offering childbirth education and parenting Courses, playgroups and
A website with useful tips on getting baby
into the optimal position for birth
Did you experience powerlessness, fear,
loss of control or abandonment as part of your birth experience? Are you
struggling with anxiety, anger, grief, post-traumatic stress, bonding issues,
guilt or low self-esteem that you would like support to heal from?
Information about vaginal birth after
caesarean (VBAC).
benefits of being in warm water for women in labour are now well recognised.
The Maternity Services Consumer Council has produced a resource that provides
consumers with information on both the benefits and potential complications of
labouring and giving birth in water.
The Canterbury Breastfeeding Advocacy
Service oversees a range of initiatives to influence such positive changes in
our local community. It functions to
remove the barriers to breastfeeding that families may experience in all kinds
of spaces.
Canterbury specific website for health
Information on SUDI, safe sleep, breastfeeding or any other health concerns.
Te Hā - Waitaha has a hub in Christchurch with Quit Coaches based in Māori, Pasifika and rural community organisations across Canterbury. We run group clinics in various locations and also provide individual support.
Our Quit Coaches work with you and your whānau to find ways that can make quitting easier.
Specific support is available to you if you are Māori, Pacific, pregnant or living with a pregnant woman.
Kimihia ngā
ratonga e tika ana mā kōrua
ko tō
Find the right services for your child such as registering your baby’s birth.
Information, inspiration and illumination
for midwives, birth folk, women and families, from Dr Sara Wickham, midwife,
author, speaker and researcher.
Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi
Trust, Haere mai, assisting Māori/women and
their whānau
to achieve their goals. “Mō tatou a mō
uri a muri ake nei – For us and for those who will come after us”
Some of the services available in New
Zealand that offer support, information and help.
Triple P Online – Positive
Parenting Programme
Strategies for Parenting in a Changing
A fully funded online parenting programme you can complete from the comfort of your home.
Join more than 10,000 New Zealand parents
who’ve been helped by a “Triple P” programme
Lifeline | 0800 543 354 (0800 LIFELINE) or free text 4357 (HELP) |
Suicide Crisis Helpline | 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) |
Healthline | 0800 611 116 |
Samaritans | 0800 726 666 |
The websites listed are women-friendly sites which provide more information on various aspects of childbirth. They are not endorsed by and do not necessarily represent the views of the New Zealand College of Midwives or Your Choice Midwives.